If you experience anxiety, you'll find that it can get in the way of you living your life to the full, on your terms. It doesn't need to stay like that, we all have the ability to change when we learn how our subconscious mind works.
This course takes you step by step through a whole toolkit of learnings and techniques, to reduce anxiety and put you back in control of your feelings.
- Understand why & what is happening to your mind and body
- Learn to build a great all round foundation and defence against anxiety
- Learn powerful tried and tested techniques to reduce or overcome anxiety
- The course is yours forever, you can revisit it if life throws you a curveball, to keep yourself on track
Delivered in a series of videos with tasks to complete along the way designed to make changes to your thoughts, feelings and beliefs around your ability to feel good. Including PDF downloads and audios, each one packed with powerful positive mind changing techniques.
The course is spread a little over one month, giving you time between sessions to practice the simple but effective techniques.
Are you ready to start your journey of change? Sit back, watch, listen and learn to be free.
Course Curriculum
Hi, I’m Sally Race
I've been helping people to reduce and overcome anxiety for over 20 years and I'm passionate about helping people to make positive changes in their lives. I work with people in groups, online and offline and on a one to one basis, using a variety of techniques.
I've created this online course, to make it accessible for more people at a very affordable price. Anxiety is increasing worldwide and it CAN be changed. If I can help people to create a more fulfilling and happier life, then I myself feel more fulfilled.
I look forward to helping you along your journey to a calmer and more fulfilled life.